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Updated: Nov 4, 2021

The front wing of a Formula One car

The front wing in a Formula One Racing car is one of the most regulated parts by the FIA from the width, breadth, and height and even the degree to how much the wings flex is regulated by FIA.

The front wing is made from carbon fiber, various other metals and minerals are added in proportion to regulate the wing's flexibility.

A small portion of the front wing is used to create downforce, and the rest regulate the airstream around the portions of the car in their wake. The lateral pressure created by the gradients in the front wing creates vortices that contribute towards the car's downforce.

The airflow around different parts of the front wing

The front wing is so close to the track contributes to creating the maximum ground effect and increased generated downforce. In all, the front wing is responsible for contributing nearly 40% of the downforce made in a car.

This is the end of part two, and I will see you soon in part three!!

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